Category Archives: Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon

Q & A with mangatron: Big ones, Small ones, and any in-between?

The post title is a joke from the Full Metal Panic manga, specifically the second one. I believe its volume 03, when Sousuke worked in a video rental store. I bought that manga in a US Army base bookstore back in 2006 when I returned to Germany, hence why it’s rather special to me. Except for the part where I left it in Germany.

If you read my last post, you’ll find I’m in favor of small, sporadic posts instead of once-a-blue-moon big posts, and to continue that, there are much questions going about that my PM inbox at the Animesuki forums cannot contain. Seriously, I have to empty that almost twice a season XD So today I’m going to tackle a question that has arisen a number of times the past 3 seasons: Who is that girl in your avatar?

Q: Okay, it’s been going on for awhile, but why the bouncy avatars?

A: It’s a fairly recent thing. I’m not really known for it, but as usual something happened and it ended up being a habit. It all started with the Anime version of Astarotte’s Toy, and Lotte’s well endowed mother. Specifically, episode 05. And I made it no secret my love for my Queen, but I had the fun idea to take it a step further by placing her in my avatar, perhaps a first for a mature woman such as her XD

The avatar that started it all

Of course, it made a heavy impact: at the time, my “lolitron” nickname was as prevalent as ever, then all of a sudden a bouncy woman resides in my avatar space? Shortly afterwards, I never failed to receive a PM/visitor message about “Who is the girl(yes she has been called a girl) in your avatar” during this time, and I thought “Oh, there’s not many viewers for this show, maybe I can recommend a lot to it” and I proceeded to pounce on any chance I can get to animate her screen time.

The second Mercelida avatar from episode 09

From that point, I have had a “big” avatar since. If there wasn’t a new pair of big ones that week, the avatar remained. The best part: I have had so many PM’s about questions of what series my avatar came from, and I have directed them to the appropriate thread, thus making them watch a series they never would have had it not been for my avatar. Thus, the story of my bouncy avatars, why I continue to use them, and why it remains the #1 PM I get XD

Just some of the avatars I’m responsible for since Spring 2011:

This one deserves special mention. My favorite, one that lasted for almost a month, and the most controversial avatar I have used that brought smiles and a headache to mods and regular members alike, which was also responsible for making me clean out my PM inbox twice: R-15’s Chief-chan.

Up next, is… actually, I think I should finish that tutorial first. I was also hoping to resume 7DA afterwards.

Kyoukai Senjou No Horizontal episode 01: nice hairdo!

I just wonder, is my country’s language really that good for magic attacks?

Throw this in with one of those that I knew absolutely nothing of prior to airtime. In fact, that Fall 2011 Anime Chart didn’t help with it’s picture of choice.

Thanks to CrowKenobi, mod extraordinaire at Animesuki, I saw the magazine scans and fell in love with Kimi-chan this series. Though my less than noble reasons are laughable, this episode was quite a fun enough ride that I ended up falling in love with a girl I hadn’t seen before (but heard a lot of years ago).

Where’s the nose?

First of all, Sensei (Makiko-chan!). Honestly I think she was nicely animated throughout the ep, and she got nice curves too ๐Ÿ˜€ As I mentioned earlier her voice was instantly recognizable, which I became a fan of after Mahoraba finished its run. Not to mention she tied her hair into a nice tail there (although I cringed when she cut pieces off lol). Not to mention she knows her stuff and seems smart, definitely my goddess.


Ahem to the actual episode, while I do find it funny that reactions across the web are very much mixed, I guess it is justifiable for first timers who didn’t read accompanying descriptions that should have been included wherever the heck they downloaded it from. I honestly understood what I was getting into by reading what was described as a “dictionary sized synopsis”, not to mention I hadn’t known this was a novel or a manga or a game even, I really thought this was Sunrise pulling something out of their hat. But what’s the surprise, novels seem like the new adapation nowadays. Not that I have a problem with that, as I don’t read novels, so that gives me a rather fresh anime experience.

I swear she’s got rocket boosters in that hair.

Now about the actual ep, I really like the action, if merely because it was centered around Sensei, but it did well enough in my opinion to keep me glued. Of course my bias is due to my enjoyment of the girls in bodysuits, but that’s to be expected.

And that grin ๐Ÿ™‚

The other nose-less anime (Code-E) I thought of. The reason why this came to mind was that this aired when my translator days were winding down, and a fellow fansubber I know worked on this series.

And the gifs: